No it isn’t preparation for a Holiday Party, it is the terms used for those nasty bags that appear under our eyes. In an article titled, “Understanding Festoons and How to Treat them,” by Adam J. Scheiner, MD that was posted on the Doctors, Dr. Scheiner describes the different approaches to treating those nasty bags. The latest technology to get Relief from Festoons is by using laser as described below. “Modified laser skin resurfacing techniques offer a predictable, rapid, and safe treatment for lower eyelid festoons. Having a doctor knowledgeable and skilled in laser safety, laser use and the wound care required after the procedure are necessary to achieve the optimal clinical results that this procedure can provide. Laser skin resurfacing, in general, and laser festoon reduction, when needed, can add greatly to the overall aesthetic outcome in rejuvenation of the lower eyelid and cheek region. Want to discover the latest in non-surgical eye rejuvenation and are ready to shed those bags? Call 203-533-4560, for your “Look 5 years younger” consultation and see what the latest non-surgical laser technology can do for you.