Category Archives: Services
Let the Bridal Beauty Bootcamp Begin!
Published on May 19, 2012
Get an inside look at our Bridal Beauty Bootcamp winner, Linda Packard’s, YOLO experience! Read on to learn more about what services she is selecting… The plans are set…Nikki got back to me with the details of what she has planned for my beauty boot camp. Based on the results of my facial assessment (see scary pictures of my skin!) she plans to start with a Botox treatment to address the wrinkles on my forehead. I must admit I was a bit skeptical about Botox (all the horror stories we hear/see), but Nikki assured me I won’t be one of them. She wants to smooth out the skin before the […]
How New Light Based Technologies Can Minimize the Signs of Long-Term Sun Damage
Published on May 4, 2012
Not all lights are created equal. Some are visible to the human eye as colors. Others, though not perceivable, produce long-lasting biological effects. For example, ultra-violet (UV) light (10-400 nm), which comes to us in the flavors of UVA, UV B, and UVC (though little of the latter reaches the earth), is well known to alter our skin cells at the genetic level, causing DNA damage. The result: aged, weathered skin; precancerous skin lesions known as actinic keratoses (AKs), and in the worst-case scenario, skin cancer. Yet there are other types of light that can help fight these problems. An emerging field of light-based technologies, known by names such as […]
Lips Dry?
Published on January 4, 2012

My First Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy Experience!
Published on December 30, 2011

Happy Feet…Even in the Winter!
Published on December 15, 2011

Happy “Spa”liday from YOLO!
Published on December 7, 2011
Happy “Spa”lidays from everyone here at . This year we want to celebrate our favorite friends and clients…YOU! Join us Tuesday, December 13th from 5:00pm-7:00pm for mini manicures, refreshments, discounts and to get your Holiday Shopping Passport! This year help us celebrate the “Spa”lidays with this great event, and let us tell you “Thanks!” for being so fabulous. The holidays are a busy time of the year filled with shopping, decorating, parties, and the list goes on. Set aside a little time for yourself, and come visit us to enjoy the manicures, refreshments and SO much more. Plus, with all of the other parties and events you will be attending […]
No Chipping, No Peeling, No Problem!
Published on November 30, 2011