Most first impressions start with the eyes, but impressions can be deceiving for those suffering with dropping, puffy or hooded eyes. Excess skin around the eyelids can make the eyes look tired or angry. Significant sagging around the eyelids can also interfere with vision. Just ask Athena Thompson, who recently underwent eyelid surgery, also referred to as blepharoplasty, to combat the uncomfortable effects of her hooded eyelids. ‘The skin above my eye drooped so much you couldn’t see the crease on my eyelid,’ she says. ‘My lids felt heavy, I could no longer apply eyeshadow, and I could feel the skin of my upper eyelid lying against my lashes. I felt as if I looked chronically tired. According to Dr. Pathy, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, this problem is surprisingly common. “Almost everyone will develop hooded eyes to a certain degree, and of the women with early hooding, about 70 percent with go on to experience some level of vision disturbance.” While there are several surgical techniques that can be utilized to remove excess skin around the eyelids, Dr. Pathy choose to perform a new procedure, referred to as Laser Blepharoplasty or Laser Lid Rejuvenation. The LB is a minimally invasive, in office procedure that takes around 45 minutes to perform under local anesthetic. Utilizing the laser results in less tissue trauma and bruising and swelling from the LB are minimal and patients can expect to return to work within four to five days. Immediate results are noticeable; however, it does take four to six weeks before the final results are appreciated. Athena states, “I look much less angry and tired, and younger too. But it’s subtle and natural.” I didn’t bruise at all and went to work the following day. Stop by and see Athena’s after pictures.   Dr. Pathy FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is affiliated with Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa located in Guilford, CT. Call 203-533-4560 to schedule your consultation regarding laser blephroplasty, non-surgical under eye rejuvenation and our other optimal aging services.