It is said that “eyes are the window to our soul”, but are hands the clue to our actual age? The availibility of cosmetic enhancement procedures like
Fraxel Restore or Mixto laser resurfacing, Botox and dermal fillers, it can be near impossible to guess someone’s age these days. However in many cases the hands say it all. So the next time you find yourself a little curious about someone’s age, look down and see what the hands have to say.
If you really want to guess someone’s age, keep an eye out for the following signs of hand-related aging:
- Age (liver) spots – When most people think about sun damage, they don’t even consider their hands. For this reason, the hands are particularly vulnerable to discoloration and sunspots.
- Crinkly skin – Wrinkles are a tell-tale sign of aging. Because the hands are usually drier than many other parts of the body (due to hand washing throughout the day), they’re more prone to wrinkles.
- Translucent skin – The skin on our hands is actually thinner than the skin on our faces. Over time, as our hands naturally lose volume, causing our skin to look paper thin.
- Lost volume – Like the face, decreased collagen production beneath the surface of the skin can cause our hands to lose volume as we age – eventually appearing sunken or hollow.
- Noticeable veins – The veins, tendons and bones on our hands become much more prominent as we age and our skin begins to lose some of its elasticity (tightness).
Many of the same procedures used for the face can be used for the hands as well. Retinoids, microdermabrasion and chemical peels are great for treating sun damage, while dermal fillers, fat transfer and Mixto laser resurfacing can add volume to the hands and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.
If you would like your hands refreshed and not a giveaway of your age, call for your consultation with our skincare professionals or
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss what solutions are appropriate for you.