Woman with rosy lips
Has winter wreaked havoc on your skin as well as your lips? Do you keep licking them hoping it will help? Or are you one of the people who is constantly applying lip balm in the hope that it will cure the dry flaky skin?? Hopefully you’ve packed up the mistletoe, but now it’s time to get your lips in kissable shape for Valentine’s Day and keep them that way. The skin on our lips is fragile and simply doesn’t retain moisture as well as the skin on other body parts. Your lips need a little more pampering in the cold winter months. Here are some things you can do to get your lips line free, smooth and pucker ready:
  • Don’t lick your lips
  • Apply a hydrating balm that is not petroleum-based
  • Don’t smoke it causes deep lines
  • Use an exfoliant once a week designed for the lips followed by a lip mask
For those who are always on the cutting edge of the newest, you’ll want to try Vivite Defining Lip Plumper by Allergan. Created to stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid synthesis, Vivite defines lip contours as it plumps. It contains peptides, botanicals, vitamin E, green tea extract, and moisturizes with aloe vera, and chamomile flower. Here is a do it yourself lip exfoliant:
  • Apply a dab of aquaphor to your lips
  • Use a toothbrush and rub in a circular motion
  • Reapply aquaphor
Want a more professional scrub that is a little more purse friendly? Try Bella Fiores Lip Lovely Sets in either Peppermint or Strawberries and Cream. Each set includes a rescue me scrub and balm so good they should put a “Do not eat” warning label on it! Now that you will have the perfect pucker, don’t forgot to make your reservation for that romantic night out….or in. For a lip 911 consultation call 203-533-4560 to set up an appointment or stop by for some great lip rescue treatments. Nikki Rasmussen, RN owner/operator YOLO aesthetic boutique & med spa Best New Business of 2009 1010 Village Walk, Guilford, CT 06437