We are HUGE fans of Clarisonic here at YOLO & it seems like everyone else is catching on to it too! Check out this great article on the ClarisonicPro! “Unequivocally, the most important function of a facial skin cleanser is the removal of makeup, oils, dirt and debris that can block the pores of your skin. There can be no question or argument that mechanical facial cleansing, physically and directly removing dirt, makeup and skin debris, is the most effective means of cleaning debris from your skin. What about exfoliation? We all know that dead skin cells make your skin look old and dull. Most of you use an exfoliant as part of your daily skin care protocol and after a Microdermabrasion or Micropeel® you know nothing compares to the freshness and glow of your facial skin that you get after a mechanical exfoliation. The Clarisonic Pro® Ultrasonic Skin Cleansing System can achieve both mechanical cleansing and gentle mechanical exfoliation right in the comfort of your own home. In fact, we are now using the Clarisonic Pro® in our practice to cleanse and exfoliate your skin before doing many Medical Aesthetician procedures. I Listen to People That I Trust After my Medical Aestheticians told me about the benefits of the Clarisonic Pro® Ultrasonic Skin Cleansing System, the Clarisonic® Representative was called into my office the next week. I tried one their products, the Opal, on my own face and it works! I ordered a supply that day. This is the first time in 30 years that I have not delayed, bargained and studied the literature so I could argue for a steep discount. I saw immediate results on my Crow’s Feet when I used the Clarisonic Opal with Vitamin C Serum. It is not permanent like a laser resurfacing, but it was a pleasant experience. What Does the Clarisonic Pro® Facial Cleanser and Gentle Exfoliating do? The Clarisonic Pro® is not a spinning brush that harshly grinds away skin cells. Rather, this device uses a soft brush which gently vibrates ultrasonically to clean debris and dead cells from the skin. Therefore Clarisonic Pro® is a facial skin cleanser that provides mechanical cleansing and can be used even on sensitive skin. According to the company studies, it can even be used on patients with Rosacea. Most importantly for my patients, adequate mechanical cleansing means that the expensive effective prescription topical skin creams like Vitamin C and Retin A will be able to penetrate better without being blocked by skin debris and dirt. The benefits of this device will be seen visually in the mirror. Many of the immediate dramatic changes such as wrinkle removal and skin firming are due to swelling from the irritation caused by the treatment. But that is okay. Every little bit of irritation causes inflammation which results in new collagen production which is the goal of Microdermabrasion, Micropeel, Laser Resurfacing, Retin A and every other non-surgical facial rejuvenation technique we use. Clarisonic Pro® will not replace but will enhance results of Microdermabrasion, Micropeel®, Laser Resurfacing and Topical Retin A, Vitamin C and Tazorac. Who will benefit from the Clarisonic Pro®?
  • Any patient who uses makeup and Sunscreen
  • Patients who use Anti-aging Skin Care products-Retin A, Retinol, Vitamin C serum, and Tazorac
  • Acne Patients
  • Patients with Fine lines and Wrinkles
  • Patients with Sun Damaged Skin
  • Patients with Excess Pigment
  • Patients with Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Patients with Keratosis Pilaris or “Goose Flesh’
  • Anyone who wants Youthful looking Glowing Fresh Youthful Skin”
Source: Dr. Seckel Why wait any longer? Come experience Clarisonic now at YOLO!