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Med Spa Blog Connecticut

Cheeks too rosy? Rosacea have you hiding?

We all have heard that rosy cheeks are great. What if they are a little too red, and beyond rosy? Unless we’re working up a sweat, you probably prefer to keep the redness on our face to little more than a healthy, rosy glow. However, Mother Nature and our skin chemistry don’t always share our vision. Your skin can appear red for many reasons, whether it be due to an allergic reaction, stress, Rosacea or another culprit, it is a nuisance. Rather then attempt to cover it up check out these easy solutions to kick that redness to the curb once and for all. The first way to treat is […] Read More

woman showing her back wearing a bathing suite

Go with your Own Glow

Get your own Glow on Remember growing up, that picture of the girl in the Coppertone ad, the one with the tan-line showing as the dog pulled on her bathing suit? Boy things have changed, if you see a kid with a tan or without sunscreen you will have 10 Mom’s coming up to you waving sunscreen yelling child abuse! It seems as though we are more educated about protecting our children, however not so great about protecting ourselves. Recently while researching self tanners I came across a campaign called, “Go with your own Glow”. It is the campaign for the Skin Cancer foundation. In my line of work, I […] Read More

The Secret to Youth…Collagen

As we age, our faces lose collagen which causes lines and wrinkles, our bodies also produce a chemical that actually breaks down collagen as well. Collagen is the key to healthy skin that tends to age well. “Collagen is the skin’s structural fiber,” dermatologist Dennis Gross said in the October 2005 issue of O Magazine. “As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores.” However, using products that contain collagen won’t change a thing, as collagen CAN NOT be absorbed by the skin to replace lost collagen. So what are we supposed to do? There are a million choices in skincare, how does the average person decide […] Read More


, –October 6th, 2010: Yolo aesthetic boutique & med spa recognized Breast Cancer Awareness month with a day of celebration. On Tuesday October 5th, Yolo offered free beauty treatments to the public and Breast Cancer survivors. Over 40 people attended and received gift bags containing iS Clinical® skincare and received complimentary services including free brow waxing/shaping, chair massage, and more. One hundred percent of donations went directly to the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation. Spa Owner Nikki Rasmussen, who is also a Registered Nurse, says, “This day is was one of the most enjoyable events of the year for YOLO. To be able to raise awareness for such a worthy […] Read More

Laser vs light devices, Which one works?

Hello readers, Recently there has been a huge increase in “at home” laser and light devices that make some pretty great claims. One only has to go to Bliss world to view a few, there is the Tria “at home laser hair removal” for around $500, the Nu Lase Light Therapy Anti aging device for around $150 and a slew of others. I’m not stating they don’t work (possibly minimally), however I’m a skeptic… Given the fact that in the State of Connecticut a laser or light device can only be operated by a Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant, or Registered Nurse under DIRECT supervision of a Physician, I have to […] Read More

woman showing her back wearing a bathing suite

Super Spring & Summer Skin Tips

Foundation Is Out, Tinted Moisturizer Is In If you are like me and refuse to go bare faced ever even in summer and can’t imagine life without your foundation, consider putting away your foundation for the season and trying a tinted moisturizer. You may never go back to your old foundation. Lighter than foundation, tinted moisturizers still cover flaws but feel less “cakey.” While foundations can feel as if they’re melting off your face, tinted moisturizers won’t, most also contain an SPF. I scream you scream, we all scream for Sunscreen While most women know to put sunscreen on their faces, they skip their chests, hands and necks. Who wants […] Read More


I’m back from the New York City Spa and Beauty Show and learned about all the latest and greatest in the beauty industry. Along with hearing about the most current skin care and anti aging trends, (which you will hear more about in other posts) I was fascinated by the “Vagazzle”. How have I not heard about this? I’ve heard of the V-a-jay-jay and as a nurse, I’ve seen my share in all different states. I’ve now heard of everything, or at least everything I want to know about our female nether regions. Remember the “Bedazzle” which many comedians have spoofed about, or you may have one in your basement. […] Read More


Cosmetic Surgeon vs. Plastic Surgeon???

With more and more physicians leaving the insurance side of their practice and entering elective medicine, the line between a Plastic Surgeon and a Cosmetic Surgeon is becoming more confusing. The reality is, there is a big difference! Not all Surgeons may actually be Surgeons. It is vital that anyone considering any sort of “cosmetic” surgical procedure understands the difference between the two specialties. Plastic Surgeon: To be come a plastic surgeon you have to be dedicated and endure a long road of education, training and examinations. To become a board certified plastic surgeon, there is even more required. In the United States Plastic Surgeons: Complete 4 years of medical […] Read More

Valentine’s Day Beauty

Ahhh Valentine’s Day, Love will be in the air. I have to admit, I used to hate Valentine’s day, I used to wear black in protest calling it stupid. However, I’ve softened in my old age and now look at the day of “love” a little differently. For those of you with a hot date…on to “Valentine’s Beauty tips”, when love is in the air, it’s important for you to feel the part. Luscious lips always set the mood- for ultra sexy lips get them super hydrated and apply an ultra shiny gloss. Lipsticks can rub off on handsome faces and wineglasses, stick to a gloss for a super smooching […] Read More

Woman with rosy lips

Lips, Lips Hooray…

Has winter wreaked havoc on your skin as well as your lips? Do you keep licking them hoping it will help? Or are you one of the people who is constantly applying lip balm in the hope that it will cure the dry flaky skin?? Hopefully you’ve packed up the mistletoe, but now it’s time to get your lips in kissable shape for Valentine’s Day and keep them that way. The skin on our lips is fragile and simply doesn’t retain moisture as well as the skin on other body parts. Your lips need a little more pampering in the cold winter months. Here are some things you can do […] Read More