Med Spa Blog Connecticut
A Hollywood Dermatologist Shares Her Anti-Aging Advice
Published on May 18, 2014 by
Dermatologist Jessica Wu answers your top beauty questions on minimizing the effects of aging so you can achieve a smoother, more youthful complexion.
Filed under: Botox New Haven, CT, New Haven, Beauty, advise, anti-aging, dermatologist, Botox Connecticut
Anti-Aging Gene Discovered
Published on February 5, 2013 by
Humans have been on the hunt for the answers to aging, as evidenced by the popularity of Botox. Science has yet to discover the modern day fountain of youth, however a recent discovery of two anti-aging genes have been discovered. The protein(s) are known as SIRT6 and SIRT3. SIRT6 protein not only suppresses tumors (helps suppress cancer), it may also offer a protection against the development of obesity and help control our cellular metabolism. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Michigan Health System conducted the study and also noted that without this protein tumors may increase in size, numbers and aggression. Cancers that may be most affected by the loss […]
Filed under: Fountain of Youth, botox, Connecticut, anti-aging, cancer, longevity, Michagan health, Sirt3, sirt6
Lasers and Fillers Can Restore Your Hands, Creams Will Nourish Them
Published on May 17, 2012 by
Rule #1: Protect your hands from the sun. Do you still recognize your hands? If the answer is “yes,” you probably have not hit your middle fifties. Hands that have done dishes, changed diapers, scrubbed bathtubs, gardened and gripped the steering wheel in the noonday sun are likely to be paper dry, wrinkly, veiny and spotty. For all that good work, you deserve a reward. Instead, you have hands that give away your age. No good deed goes unpunished. After constant hand washing while tending a sick husband, a 52-year-old reporter was horrified by the appearance of her hands. Over a six-month period she tried in-office and home treatments, targeting […]
Filed under: injectiables, Guilford, Connecticut, anti-aging, Med spa, yolo, laser center
The Secret to Youth…Collagen
Published on October 27, 2010 by
As we age, our faces lose collagen which causes lines and wrinkles, our bodies also produce a chemical that actually breaks down collagen as well. Collagen is the key to healthy skin that tends to age well. “Collagen is the skin’s structural fiber,” dermatologist Dennis Gross said in the October 2005 issue of O Magazine. “As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores.” However, using products that contain collagen won’t change a thing, as collagen CAN NOT be absorbed by the skin to replace lost collagen. So what are we supposed to do? There are a million choices in skincare, how does the average person decide […]
Filed under: shopping, botox, clinical skincare, CT, skincare, Beauty, anti-aging, Med spa, YOLO med spa, Guilford, skin, collagen, health, retin a, Retinol, Vitamin A
Laser vs light devices, Which one works?
Published on September 12, 2010 by
Hello readers, Recently there has been a huge increase in “at home” laser and light devices that make some pretty great claims. One only has to go to Bliss world to view a few, there is the Tria “at home laser hair removal” for around $500, the Nu Lase Light Therapy Anti aging device for around $150 and a slew of others. I’m not stating they don’t work (possibly minimally), however I’m a skeptic… Given the fact that in the State of Connecticut a laser or light device can only be operated by a Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant, or Registered Nurse under DIRECT supervision of a Physician, I have to […]
Filed under: Connecticut, anti-aging, YOLO med spa, 06437, laser, at home antiaging devices, Led