Med Spa Blog Connecticut
Can you guess which twin smokes?
Published on November 1, 2013 by
A recent study of twins illustrates how smoking ages the face. Smokers are likely to get bags under their eyes and wrinkles around their lips earlier than non-smokers, according to a new study of identical twins. Judges who didn’t know which twin smoked said the smoker looked older 57 percent of the time. That pattern held when both twins were smokers but one had smoked for many years longer than the other. “Smoking makes you look old. That’s all there is to it,” Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi said. “At Yolo the most common complaint we hear related to smoking is lip lines and overall dullness of the skin. We have a […]
Filed under: Smokers lines, lip lines, Laser anti aging, Guilford Med spa, Cosmetic laser, Botox lip lines, Botox New Haven, Botox Connecticut