Med Spa Blog Connecticut
Laser Hair Removal 101
Published on December 1, 2012 by
Laser Hair Removal 101 Tired of constant shaving? Looking for hair removal alternatives? As laser hair removal experts servicing the New Haven area, we would like to share some of our knowledge to help you make an informed decision. Is it Safe? Laser hair removal is a safe and effective alternative. It is an FDA-approved process of permanent hair reduction that can safely be used on the face, as well as the body. Does it Hurt? Laser Hair Removal is not as painful as electrolysis and waxing. It’s often even less painful that those bothersome shaving nicks. Many describe the sensation like a mild pinch or sting. Pain medication and […]
Filed under: Best Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, fuzzy face, Hairy face, uwanted hair