Med Spa Blog Connecticut
Finding Skincare Relief After Breast Cancer
Published on October 5, 2012 by
After being treated for breast cancer, many women experience extreme skincare issues. It is more commonly seen as an afterthought and a side effect that comes with treatment, but woman have plenty of options to relieve these nagging issues. These women have options though to relieve the stinging, itchiness and redness that can during and after treatment. Chemotherapy can leave your skin dry and flaky because it the amount of oil your glands produces is dramatically reduced. To compensate for the loss of oil, it is key to switch to a heavier, oil-based moisturizer for your body and face. Especially with the cold weather rapidly approaching, it is important to […]
Filed under: radiation treatment, Med spa, yolo, Breast Cancer, breast cancer awareness, chemotherapy, laser center, recovery, skin care, treatment
Liposuction Worries Put To Rest
Published on September 27, 2012 by
One of the biggest concerns people have when considering liposuction is whether or not the fat will come back and how it will look. Luckily, new studies have been conducted to get to the bottom of this issue. “For years, doctors have noticed that those liposuction patients who consume too many calories and don’t exercise enough usually don’t put on tummy weight after abdominal liposuction but, in a year’s time, store new fat in other bodily areas such as the arms, the back or the breasts. Dr. Eric Swanson, a plastic surgeon in Leawood, Kansas decided to put this theory to a test; his results were published in a well-respected […]
Filed under: Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Med spa, YOLO med spa, yolo, laser center, Board Certified, Guilford, Vaser Liposculpting, Yolo Laser Center, Connecticut
VitaMedica Must Have’s!
Published on September 5, 2012 by
We mentioned in our newsletter this month how much we like VitaMedica products. We think they’re great for those who want to cut down their recovery time right after undergoing a procedure. So what exactly are these products? Below are the products we carry that we feel are perfect for the procedures we offer: Arnica Montana 30X Great for both surgical and non-surgical facial procedures Rapidly dissolving tablets Packages come in different sizes depending on the amount that is right for you Arnica Anti-Bruise Kit Defense against both bruising and swelling The kit includes Arnica Montana 30X and a recovery cream This product is unique because it addresses bruising from […]
Filed under: botox, Connecticut, CT, Med spa, yolo, laser center, Guilford, injectable
Don’t Let Wrinkles Hide Your Emotions!
Published on August 28, 2012 by
One of the most common fears that women (and men) may have before opting for Botox is that their face may become stiff and not capable of showing their full emotions. While this is not an issue when you have board certified professionals administering the proper amount of Botox like we do at YOLO, this article should help comfort those who would like to receive Botox, but are concerned about their ability to express emotions. “Most people worry about developing wrinkles and want to delay the effects of aging as much as possible to ensure they look their best. However, a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Social […]
Filed under: botox, Connecticut, Med spa, yolo, laser center, Guilford, Injectables, Wrinkles
Who Is Choosing Plastic Surgery?
Published on August 22, 2012 by
This new article from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reveals some pretty surprising information about the most common people to undergo plastic surgery are not Hollywood celebrities, but rather, everyday women! Plastic surgery is becoming an option for more and more women to achieve their ideal look at any age. Check out the article below: “When you think of cosmetic surgery, you might imagine those familiar faces from the red carpet events quietly shuttling themselves into a posh clinic for a little nip and tuck. While there are plenty of stars who go under the knife, the reality is that most people who seek out cosmetic surgery are […]
Filed under: laser center, moms, Yolo Med Sp, yolo, Connecticut, Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgeon Connecticut
Let the Bridal Beauty Bootcamp Begin!
Published on May 19, 2012 by
Get an inside look at our Bridal Beauty Bootcamp winner, Linda Packard’s, YOLO experience! Read on to learn more about what services she is selecting… The plans are set…Nikki got back to me with the details of what she has planned for my beauty boot camp. Based on the results of my facial assessment (see scary pictures of my skin!) she plans to start with a Botox treatment to address the wrinkles on my forehead. I must admit I was a bit skeptical about Botox (all the horror stories we hear/see), but Nikki assured me I won’t be one of them. She wants to smooth out the skin before the […]
Filed under: Connecticut, Beauty, Med spa, yolo, laser center, Guilford, bridal bootcamp, contest, wedding
Lasers and Fillers Can Restore Your Hands, Creams Will Nourish Them
Published on May 17, 2012 by
Rule #1: Protect your hands from the sun. Do you still recognize your hands? If the answer is “yes,” you probably have not hit your middle fifties. Hands that have done dishes, changed diapers, scrubbed bathtubs, gardened and gripped the steering wheel in the noonday sun are likely to be paper dry, wrinkly, veiny and spotty. For all that good work, you deserve a reward. Instead, you have hands that give away your age. No good deed goes unpunished. After constant hand washing while tending a sick husband, a 52-year-old reporter was horrified by the appearance of her hands. Over a six-month period she tried in-office and home treatments, targeting […]
Filed under: injectiables, Guilford, Connecticut, anti-aging, Med spa, yolo, laser center
How New Light Based Technologies Can Minimize the Signs of Long-Term Sun Damage
Published on May 4, 2012 by
Not all lights are created equal. Some are visible to the human eye as colors. Others, though not perceivable, produce long-lasting biological effects. For example, ultra-violet (UV) light (10-400 nm), which comes to us in the flavors of UVA, UV B, and UVC (though little of the latter reaches the earth), is well known to alter our skin cells at the genetic level, causing DNA damage. The result: aged, weathered skin; precancerous skin lesions known as actinic keratoses (AKs), and in the worst-case scenario, skin cancer. Yet there are other types of light that can help fight these problems. An emerging field of light-based technologies, known by names such as […]
Filed under: 06437, sun spots, laser, bbl, Guilford, laser center, sun damage, photofacial, Connecticut, yolo, Med spa, skincare