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Med Spa Blog Connecticut

Sciton BBL – Skin Tightening – Connecticut

Published on January 5, 2015 by
With age, the skin can lose elasticity. For you and your appearance, losing skin elasticity means lines, wrinkles and an overall older look. Fortunately, there is the Sciton BBL skin-tightening system. With Sciton BBL, there is an effective tool that can help you preserve your natural youthful appearance. The Sciton BBL skin-tightening treatment works by using broadband light to treat a variety of skin conditions. Sagging skin, sun damage, age spots, lines, acne scars and an uneven complexion can be treated. The procedure is versatile enough to treat areas on the face, neck, abdomen and arms. The heating effect of the broadband light energy causes the skin to produce new […]
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How New Light Based Technologies Can Minimize the Signs of Long-Term Sun Damage

Published on May 4, 2012 by
Not all lights are created equal. Some are visible to the human eye as colors. Others, though not perceivable, produce long-lasting biological effects. For example, ultra-violet (UV) light (10-400 nm), which comes to us in the flavors of UVA, UV B, and UVC (though little of the latter reaches the earth), is well known to alter our skin cells at the genetic level, causing DNA damage. The result: aged, weathered skin; precancerous skin lesions known as actinic keratoses (AKs), and in the worst-case scenario, skin cancer. Yet there are other types of light that can help fight these problems. An emerging field of light-based technologies, known by names such as […]
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Will you age like your Mother?

Published on November 11, 2011 by
Your Face Will Age Like Your Mom’s & Other Skin Care Myths What are some of the most common misconceptions about how your skin ages? One is that patients often believe they are going to have bad skin because “you get the genes your parents have,” according to dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee. But, she says, habits make more of a difference than genetics. Here are some of the most common skin care myths, according to Lee: Skin Care Myth: Your skin will age like your mother’s. Reality: While genetics do play a role in how your skin looks, habits — such as tanning, drinking and smoking — make more of […]
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Go with your Own Glow

Published on November 1, 2010 by
woman showing her back wearing a bathing suite
Get your own Glow on Remember growing up, that picture of the girl in the Coppertone ad, the one with the tan-line showing as the dog pulled on her bathing suit? Boy things have changed, if you see a kid with a tan or without sunscreen you will have 10 Mom’s coming up to you waving sunscreen yelling child abuse! It seems as though we are more educated about protecting our children, however not so great about protecting ourselves. Recently while researching self tanners I came across a campaign called, “Go with your own Glow”. It is the campaign for the Skin Cancer foundation. In my line of work, I […]
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The Secret to Youth…Collagen

Published on October 27, 2010 by
As we age, our faces lose collagen which causes lines and wrinkles, our bodies also produce a chemical that actually breaks down collagen as well. Collagen is the key to healthy skin that tends to age well. “Collagen is the skin’s structural fiber,” dermatologist Dennis Gross said in the October 2005 issue of O Magazine. “As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores.” However, using products that contain collagen won’t change a thing, as collagen CAN NOT be absorbed by the skin to replace lost collagen. So what are we supposed to do? There are a million choices in skincare, how does the average person decide […]
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