Shoppers get ready, Black Friday is just a week away! According to CNNMoney on
cnn.com an estimated 152 million people will be fighting those crowds to get the best deals this Friday, November 25
th. And the BEST deals are going to be at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa from 2-6pm. But remember, our great offers are for ONE DAY ONLY, so you won’t want to miss out!
With the Holidays right around the corner Black Friday is everyone’s favorite day to shop for all of the people on your list. This year your one stop shopping is going to be at YOLO. From Botox to Laser Hair Removal to Microdermabrasions, we have it all! Purchase a $100 gift card and receive $50 in YOLO dough, so buy a gift for someone on your list and get a gift for yourself too!
Visit us on Black Friday for incredible deals and you will also have the chance to enter to win $350 in Spa Services.
Can’t get enough of YOLO and shopping? Come visit us on Saturday, November 26
th too, for Small Business Saturday! This is the 2
nd year that American Express has hosted this great event in support of all of our favorite small businesses. Register your American Express Card online and receive a $25 credit when you make a $25 purchase at a small business that day.
Don’t you just love this time of the year!
Visit Small Business Saturday on
Facebook for more information and for a complete list of all of the fabulous services we have to offer, visit our
website. Stop by this Black Friday AND Small Business Saturday we can’t wait to see you!