You won’t want to miss the huge Savings!

Lowest Pricing of the Year.

– Bank Your Botox/Xeomin/Dysport $1000 Save $400 $10/unit – Save up to 25% on Coolsculpting – Facial package Buy 4 get 1 free Save $85 – Erase your sins -Buy 2 BBL treatments get 1 free. * must be done to same area – Venus Freeze Buy 4 get, 2 free (same area, $600 value) – Purchase a syringe of Restylane, Restylane Silk or Restylane Lyft and receive an area of Dysport free $280 value * must be done in same visit. Scheduled by 6/15/2016

Sneak peek at one of our incredible raffles:

Raffle year of beauty- everyone who purchases $300 or more will be entered to win. Botox one area, BBL/Venus Viva combo and a facial Value: $1915 All above services are subject to medical suitability. All packages must be paid for in full. Restrictions may apply. Must RSVP Limited space. Food & Wine

RSVP to 203-533-4560 or