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1010 Village Walk, Guilford, CT 06437

give us a call: 203-533-4560

text for appointment: 203-902-3674


Conveniently located to serve Guilford, CT

Sculptra® is a bio-stimulatory facial filler that works gradually in a series of treatments, actually replacing lost collagen. It helps correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that form during the process of aging, providing a more youthful looking appearance. More than simply a “wrinkle-filler,” Sculptra® may be utilized to treat lipoatrophy in the cheeks, the temples, as well as a variety of other locations. Unlike other injectable products, Sculptra® provides noticeable results that emerge subtly and can last for up to three years. This product is only available for use to board-certified plastic surgeons, board-certified facial plastic surgeons, and board-certified dermatologists. The doctor will assist in determining if Sculptra® is right for you.
  • AANP | The American Association of Nurse Practitioners
  • The Dermatology Nurse’s Association
  • American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities
Your Sculptra treatment will be performed by our providers in Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa‘s safe and clean facility located in Guilford, CT

Have Questions? Call us at 203-533-4560

Within the deep dermis, your skin’s structure is reinforced as Sculptra® Aesthetic helps to replace lost collagen. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation that gradually restores the look of fullness of your shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that has been depleted over time. The result? Sculptra Aesthetic is different because it gradually and subtly corrects these facial wrinkles. This can provide a refined, more youthful looking appearance that can last more than two years. Call 203-533-4560 or email info@yolomedspa.com for your consultation “Look 5 years younger” consultation.

Patient Testimonial

Great experience from beginning to end! Very professional providing fantastic results in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. – Real patient read more testimonials

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