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Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

Solve Acne at YOLO

Acne is an exacerbating problem. Those ugly red blotches interspersed with white pimples can leave you hating your skin, caking your face with makeup, or just doing your best to avoid social situations. But luckily for you, has spectacular treatments available that can leave your skin clean and clear. Each person’s acne has a different root cause, so it’s important to find the treatment that’s right for you. We can deliver cortisone shots for instant relief, use our BBL photofacial to destroy acne-causing bacteria right in your pores, and provide many other options. Our techniques work for adults and teenagers specializes in treating difficult or resistant acne that even dermatologists […]

Double Chin – Kybella Treatments Connecticut

A double chin and sagging can appear in spite of your being in good health. Fatty deposits under the chin rarely respond to additional dieting or exercise. To sculpt this area, Kybella treatments are available. Kybella is FDA-approved to sculpt submental fat. It is an injectable treatment that has an active ingredient called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is naturally found in the human body and helps absorb fats and destroy fat cells. Once it is injected, the fat cells are broken down and removed by the body naturally, creating a leaner jawline and sculpting away the double chin. Speak with the experienced professionals at to learn more about treatments for […]

Eye Rejuvenation

Conveniently located to serve Connecticut Eye rejuvenation helps when you’re looking tired, which can be the result of aging that has impacted the eyes. Sagging and wrinkling can add to the appearance of aging and chronic tiredness. With modern technology, there are effective solutions for eye rejuvenation in Connecticut. What Is Eye Rejuvenation? Due to factors like sun damage, genetics, smoking, and aging, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner over time. Blood vessels become increasingly constricted, causing pigment changes in the form of dark circles under the eyes. Additionally, skin texture changes occur, fine lines form, and the lower eyelids develop a baggy look. At Yolo Laser Center & […]

Body-Contouring Solution – Liposuction – Connecticut

Sometimes it may feel like achieving the body of your dreams is constantly just out of reach. Hard work and eating healthy have brought you close but just haven’t brought the body-shaping results you’ve hoped for. Fortunately, there is a body-contouring solution. The advances in cosmetic technology have brought us VASERlipo, sometimes dubbed “the really smart lipo.” This is a liposuction technique that uses the power of ultrasound to precisely target stubborn pockets of fat. The incredible thing is that this treatment can be performed while the patient is awake and resting comfortably! It is a safer and gentler body-contouring solution compared to more traditional liposuction techniques. Speak with the […]

Laser Resurfacing – Connecticut Skin Rejuvenation

Taking care of your skin is an effective way of ensuring that you continue to look your best. The wear and tear on your skin can show itself in many ways, such as fine lines, wrinkles, dullness and age spots. Laser resurfacing is an advanced tool that can refresh your appearance by improving the quality of your skin. Laser skin resurfacing is a treatment that is effective for acne-related scars, stretch marks, brown spots, uneven skin tone and fine lines. This is a non-invasive technique where laser energy is used to create tiny thermal zones in the skin. This boosts the skin’s natural production of collagen, which is an essential […]

Sculptra – Facial Rejuvenation – Connecticut

When your face starts to sag, develop wrinkles and gain a generally hollow look, it is a result of the effects of aging. Skin tends to lose elasticity and volume, which contributes to an older look. Fortunately, there is Sculptra. Sculptra is a dermal injectable treatment that treats signs of aging such as gauntness and deep facial wrinkles and folds. It works by replacing lost collagen, which is an essential building block in the skin. The results of a Sculptra treatment can last for up to two years. A treatment can take as much as five years from your overall appearance. Speak with the experienced professionals at the to learn […]

Kybella – Injectable Anti-Aging – Connecticut

There is an exciting new development in the cosmetic world that can help you deal with a double chin and fatty deposits around the neck. It is called Kybella, and it is now FDA-approved for use. With this treatment, you can have a contoured, leaner facial profile. Kybella is a revolutionary injectable treatment that works by aiding in the breakdown of fats. The main active ingredient is called deoxycholic acid. This is the first treatment of its kind and has gone through extensive clinical trials. One injected, the active ingredients cause the destruction of fat cells, which results in a sculpting contouring. Speak with one of our experienced professionals at […]

CO2 Laser – Skin Resurfacing – Connecticut

Unwanted Hair
Acne, brown spots, scarring and other skin issues can blemish your appearance and even leave you looking older. If you are looking for a way to achieve a bright, clear complexion, you may be a candidate for the CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatment. The CO2 laser skin treatment is a cutting-edge procedure that can give you a bright, even complexion. This procedure uses laser technology to create micro-thermal heating zones just beneath the skin. This boosts the skin’s natural collagen production and triggers a healing reaction that clears away blemishes. Speak with the experienced staff at the to learn more about the CO2 laser treatment. Contact us at our office […]

Dermapen – Skin Rejuvenation – Connecticut

Aging can be problematic for your self-confidence, because the signs of aging can make you look older and more tired than you feel. If you are looking for a way to rejuvenate your appearance by treating lines, wrinkles and other skin blemishes, you maybe be a candidate for a Dermapen treatment. The Dermapen treatment is a relatively new and advanced skin treatment. The procedure involves a process called microneedling, which works by making tiny channels in the skin. The micro channels may be combined with topical creams, which are more easily absorbed. The skin heals the channels easily, which results in skin rejuvenation. Speak with the professionals at the to […]

Body Contouring – Fat Sculpting – Connecticut

To achieve your aesthetic goals and the body of your dreams, sometimes you need a helping hand. A healthy diet and exercise are essential aspects of looking your best, but sometimes there are stubborn fatty deposits. Fortunately, with a body contouring procedure like Vaser Lipo, these pockets of fat can be a thing of the past. Body contouring procedures like Vaser Lipo are advanced fat-sculpting techniques. For many people, there is no amount of dieting or exercise that can target fat around areas like the flanks, thighs and abdomen. This high-precision fat-sculpting procedure is minimally invasive and requires minimal recovery time, making it ideal for body contouring. To learn more […]