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Venus Freeze FAQ

Conveniently located to serve Guilford, CT

Venus Freeze™ may be the ideal treatment option for you, if you want:

  • Skin Tightening
  • Wrinkle Reduction
  • Non-Surgical Body Contouring
  • Circumferential Reduction
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • AANP | The American Association of Nurse Practitioners
  • The Dermatology Nurse’s Association
  • American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities

Your Venus Freeze FAQ treatment will be performed by our providers in Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa‘s safe and clean facility located in Guilford, CT


  • How does Venus Freeze work?

    Venus Freeze™ uses (MP)², which is a patented technology that can reverse the effects of aging skin by combining Pulse Magnetic Fields and Multi Polar Radio Frequency (RF). The Venus treatment increases collagen and elastin synthesis by causing controlled thermal damage in the dermis, which simulates the self repair mechanisms of skin tissue. These two types of energy work in synergy to penetrate multiple layers of skin, heating it from the inside, improving the appearance of loose skin.

  • Who is a good candidate for a Venus Freeze treatment at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa in Guilford, CT?

    Ideal Venus Freeze patients are those who desire non-invasive skin tightening and wrinkle reduction but do not want to have surgery.

  • How long does the Venus Freeze procedure take?

    Approximately 20-30 minutes. The Venus Brow lift is about 20 minutes.

  • How many office visits are required?

    When collagen fibers in the skin are exposed to heat (as during the treatment), their structure is modified and they immediately contract, making the skin tighter. This effect is noticeable upon completion of the first treatment. With each treatment you will see gradual improvement, which yields excellent, long-term results with no risk or downtime. For optimal results, we recommend 6-8 sessions for the face and 8-10 for the body.

  • Is there any downtime associated with the Venus Freeze?

    There is absolutely no downtime or activity restriction before or after your Venus Freeze treatment.

  • How do I get started with Venus Freeze at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa?

    To learn more, or to find out if you are a good candidate for Venus Freeze, schedule your consultation at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa today!

Patient Testimonial

It’s an amazing place Nikki is honest about her services, no hidden agendas like other places out here. If you can I recommend you stop by and see what she can do for you!

– Real patient
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