Eye Treatments & Dark Circles
Conveniently located to serve Guilford, CT
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Where others have failed, we succeed.
Treat dark circles, lax skin around the eyes, crows feet, and saggy lids.
Rejuvenating the area around the eyes can be a challenging task. In order to achieve excellent results you must identify the problems and attack those problems with a specific technique or combination of techniques. There are five main conditions that cause problems around the eyes.
Your Eye & Dark Circles Treatment will be performed by our providers in Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa‘s safe and clean facility located in Guilford, CT.
Before & After
Crow’s Feet
This is a problem of the skin being creased by muscle action below the surface. The muscles can be relaxed with Botox to fix this problem.
Deep Tear Troughs
This results from volume loss in the infraorbital region. This can cause a dark shadow under the eye resulting in “dark circles under the eyes”. This makes someone look chronically tired. In order to fix this problem, the volume must be replaced. An excellent and simple remedy is dermal fillers like Juvederm.
Dark Circles Under the Eyes
This can be from the shadowing of the deep tear troughs mentioned above or it can be from Excess Pigment or Vascularity (small blood vessels) or even blue reticular veins. The treatment would be Pigment Treatments with the IPL/BBL (Intense Pulsed Light) or Mixto Fractional Rejuvenation
Loose or Crepe’ Skin Around the Eyes
In order to correct this problem you must tighten the skin by adding collagen and elastin to the dermis. This can be accomplished in a couple of effective ways. Mixto Laser Treatments are very effective at remedying Loose or crepy skin.
Excess Fat below the Eyes
As we age, our Retro-Orbital Fat (fat behind the eyeball) drops from behind the eye to below the eye (Infra-Orbital area). This fat can show as an unsightly bulge below the eye making you look chronically tired. The best way to treat this is to remove this excess fat with Surgical Blepharoplasty.
Excess Skin or droopy Lids
Laser or Traditional Blepharoplasty can permanently rid excess and unwanted skin. This procedure is done in the office with a local anesthetic. Most individuals are back to regular activity after 4 days.
Call 203-533-4560 to schedule your consultation to learn more about Laser Blepharoplasty, or our other Eye Rejuvenation technologies.
Patient Testimonial
Really nice staff and professional atmosphere, it was a quick treatment but she explained everything and gave good advice, and I definitely feel a nice glow!
– Real patient
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