Conveniently located to serve Guilford, CT
- Turn back the clock
- Erase wrinkles and tighten skin

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Weekend Laser Peels The “Weekend” Peel
Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa in Guilford offers the Micro Laser™ “Weekend Peel”: Quickly Reverse the Signs of AgingCommonly Asked Questions about The MicroLaserPeel™ or “Weekend Peel” at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa in Guilford.
What is the MicroLaserPeel™ or “Weekend Peel”?Sometimes minimally invasive means minimal results – not with the MicroLaserPeel™! This is a precisely controlled erbium laser peel that offers significantly greater results than a microdermabrasion or light chemical peel, with only 2-3 days of downtime. If you come for a treatment on a Friday, you can be back at work on Monday. You will notice a difference after only one treatment.
How long does the treatment take?A treatment normally takes 30 minutes to 1 hour, although time varies depending on the depth of the peel.
How quickly will I see results?You will notice a significant and immediate change in skin texture and tightness in just a few days.
How many treatments will I need?One procedure could be sufficient for at least 6 to 12 months, but additional procedures can be performed as required. A package of three to four treatments may be best for you. You should discuss this with our staff.
How much does the “Weekend” MicroLaserPeel™ cost at Yolo Laser Center & Med Spa in Guilford?Treatment fees will vary and can be determined with a consultation that takes approximately 15 minutes. Please contact us to schedule your consultation.
Patient Testimonial
The staff is friendly and professional, services are comparable to any spa and may even be a bit less expensive. – Real patient read more testimonialsReady to get started?
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