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Category Archives: Botox

How do Horizontal Forehead Wrinkles Form and How Does Botox Help?

Woman getting injected with Botox
No one likes having horizontal forehead wrinkles on their face, as it makes them several years older than their actual age. If you are also starting to see these lines on your face, you wonder what is causing it to form. Why do Horizontal Forehead Wrinkles Start to Appear? The primary reason for horizontal forehead wrinkles is age. Your skin starts to lose its elasticity while becoming thin and dry. As a result, it will lose its ability to protect itself from damage. Over time, horizontal forehead wrinkles start to form on your face. Another reason for wrinkles is ultraviolet light exposure, which increases the rate at which your skin […]

Botox Injections – Anti-Aging Treatment Connecticut

Botox injections are easily the most popular cosmetic treatment every single year. It’s easy to see why: they are extremely effective in preventing wrinkles and preserving a natural, youthful appearance. If you are looking for a way to fight the signs of aging, Botox may be right for you. Botox injections are specifically designed for preventing dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are the type that form along areas of the face that are involved with facial expressions or motions like chewing. The regular muscle contractions of the face crease the skin over time. With Botox, these muscle contractions are relaxed, which preserves the skin’s smoother appearance. Consult the knowledgeable staff at […]


Good news for greater New Haven, . residents who want to eliminate wrinkles, but are afraid of needles. Researchers are testing gel formulations of botulin toxin type A. It can be applied topically and the name of this product is RT001. The results of a 2012 study in California show that up to 89 percent of 553 patients experienced improvement in their crow’s feet wrinkles with no significant side effects. Detailed information about other types of topical wrinkle solutions are below: Topical Botulinum Toxin relaxes facial muscles by blocking the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. A doctor applies it directly to the skin and then wipes it off after […]


A story recently posted on YahooLifestyleUK highlights a new treatment alternative to Botox dubbed “Frotox.” In the past,Jennifer Aniston, Sharon Osbourne and Nicole Kidman are just some of the stars that have admitted to Botox, but now there’s a new anti-ageing system on the market they might want to try. Cryotherapy – also known as Frotox – has finally launched in the UK after a year of research, but what is it and does it actually work? Studies have shown that clients undergoing the “Frotox” treatment, report fewer wrinkles and the big news is that Frotox in non-toxic. There is another advantage for Frotox over Botox though. Botox takes a […]

Another Gummy Bear Implant Approved

The FDA recently approved the use of the silicone “gummy bear” implant. The 410 implant by Allergan is an anatomically-shaped, textured, silicone cohesive gel implant that is much firmer than the previous silicone gel implants. To better understand what these are and how they differ from currently available options, let’s talk facts. First, the Gummy Bear Implants are simply silicone breast implants that are “semi-solid” and more highly cohesive than their predecessors. You can literally cut through the implant with a pair of scissors and the two halves will actually keep their shape. But because these implants are more cohesive, they are also firmer than previous implants and more likely […]

Computer Face

computer face
Working at your computer for long hours may get the job done, but it may also be making you look a heck of a lot older. Plastic Surgeons have dubbed this syndrome, “Computer face.” Dr. Prager told the Daily Mail, “If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines.” “What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long.” What was most alarmingly noted is that people in their 20’s are spending an increasingly number of […]

Brotox Infographic

Picture youself with Botox

Picture yourself with BOTOX® Cosmetic See how BOTOX® Cosmetic can help soften those stubborn frown lines between your brows, while still allowing you to maintain your natural facial expression. While just a representation, this took will give you an idea of how BOTOX® Cosmetic may help you achieve the results you want! About Botox® Photos FAQ’s Safety

Celebrity Botox Trivia

Barely a day goes by when there isn’t some sort of Botox story thrown into the mix. So popular is the cosmetic injectable, in fact, even Miss Piggy has discussed it. “I’m 99 percent Botox,” the sassy swine recently revealed. She’s not the only celebrity who has something to say about the world’s most famous wrinkle-blocker, however. Take the quiz now to see if you can guess what the following stars had to say about this past decade’s wonder drug. Source: Boston Beauty Med Spa