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Category Archives: Fashion

If The Eyes Are The Window To Your Soul, What Are Your’s Saying?

One of the most common complaints I hear from my clients is in regards to their eyes. Often they have heard from others that they look sick or tired, even when they are feeling well and rested. As we age, we discover that one of the most noticeable changes to our appearance involves the eye area. Usually, the origin of such unwanted comments is typically the nonverbal messages the eye area sends as we age. There are many causes of dark circles under the eye including vitamin deficiency, dark pigment, or loss of volume by which underlying vessels show. Dark pigment is usually attributed to sun exposure over a lifetime. […]

Resolve to Lose…Tips for sucessful weight loss

The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you’re truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you’re likely to fail. When making changes, decide what’s right for your lifestyle. Your best friend’s diet and exercise plan may be completely wrong for your habits and interests. The key is to find a system that works for you. Don’t blame yourself if you aren’t perfect. If you once fail at your attempt to curtail your overeating, it doesn’t mean you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up. Accept that you made a poor choice, […]

Fat burning injections

We have all struggled with our weight at some time. Some have more to lose some have less and our reasons to get fit and trim are as different as our bodies. I’m not one for dieting and lately I haven’t had time to exercise either, but I needed to lose a few pounds. I seem to be plagued by diseases that usually effect people that are obese. I’ve had to have my gallbladder out, I was diabetic and on insulin with all three of my children, and my Physician has warned me that my “good to bad cholesterol ratio”, is not the greatest even though I really don’t eat […]

Get Reunion Ready

Project Reunion Entry 1I’ve finally given into the lure of seeing how my classmates from high school turned out. I’ve missed every single reunion since graduating in—dare I admit it—1987. Holy sh#!, that’s 24 years ago! This is mostly because I attended high school at the American School in Paris. So, most of my classmates are scattered around the world. But, thanks to Facebook, we all recently reconnected. One former classmate has been brave enough to plan a reunion in NYC. So, on August 19, I’ll be meeting my old high school friends for drinks. Now, I’m not sure how all of your former female classmates look on Facebook, but […]

Shellac Attack

Have you had a Shellac manicure yet? Read more about it in a recent article. Shellac is a no dry time long lasting manicure. Now available at in , . Get Shellack’d!

I Feel Bad About My Neck

Have you uttered those words? As Nora Ephron has written, many people of a certain age begin to have a love/hate relationship with certain body parts. If you haven’t read Nora Ephron’s book, “I Feel Bad About My Neck” I suggest you do. Feel bad no more, there are plenty of options available for those who dislike having their body parts head South. A recent article posted on the Beauty Snob explains the process of SkinTyte, which is a non invasive way to tighten skin using the Sciton’s Skin Tyte Infrared technology. One thing the article did not explain is that Skin Tyte can be used to correct sagging and lax […]

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Laser Hair Removal: Relief of Unwanted Hair Growth You know the drill, the warm weather hits and it is time to put on that bathing suit or shorts and out comes the razor. With the razor sometimes comes razor bumps and irritation. For men and women laser hair removal may be the answer to that hairless prayer. Owner Nikki Rasmussen states, ” Many of our clients are men who can’t stand being so hot in the summer due to the amount of hair on their chest and back.” Laser hair removal is the process of using a light or laser beam to “permanently” reduce unwanted hair. Certain Light and Laser […]

Dr Boden on Mass Apeal

Hair loss options for men Updated: Wednesday, 01 Jun 2011, 3:54 PM EDTPublished : Wednesday, 01 Jun 2011, 3:54 PM EDT Seth Stutman WETHERSFIELD, Conn. (Mass Appeal) – Hair loss can take more than just a physical toll on the people that it affects … But luckily there are more and more options out there for people who are looking to save their hairline. Dr. Scott boden guides patients through the world of hair care options and is here to shed some light on the subject. Reconstructing a new hairline requires surgical as well as artistic skill. It is critically important to get it right the first time and thus […]

Be Safe and Beautiful with HydroPeptide SPF 30

Posted by Justin from Hydropeptide. Hydropeptide Hydropeptide SPF 30 Anti-Wrinkle Skin Enhancing UV Protection immediately enhances the look of skin while minimizing premature aging. Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer. The disease contributes to thousands of deaths and surgeries every year. Luckily, there are steps that can decrease the risk of developing basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer or melanoma. One of the most important preventative measures to take is to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB radiation. HydroPeptide SPF 30 Anti-Wrinkle Skin Enhancing UV Protection offers a physical barrier against UVA/UVB rays and free radical damage while making skin beautiful. This […]

Go with your Own Glow

woman showing her back wearing a bathing suite
Get your own Glow on Remember growing up, that picture of the girl in the Coppertone ad, the one with the tan-line showing as the dog pulled on her bathing suit? Boy things have changed, if you see a kid with a tan or without sunscreen you will have 10 Mom’s coming up to you waving sunscreen yelling child abuse! It seems as though we are more educated about protecting our children, however not so great about protecting ourselves. Recently while researching self tanners I came across a campaign called, “Go with your own Glow”. It is the campaign for the Skin Cancer foundation. In my line of work, I […]